Finally making the jump.....


Feb 23, 2004
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I know this topic is beat to death but....

I'm selling my Minolta and I want to switch over to Nikon or Canon gear.

I'm trying to decide between the Nikon N80 or the Canon EOS 5 (which I'll have to get used). I really like the features on Both cameras and I'm really leaning towards the Canon. Anyone want to argue the case for either camera?

Thanks in advance for the info!

Anyone have any other cameras in this range that I should consider?
How about a Canon Elan 7...or the new 7n?

What features does the EOS 5 have that you want.
If you are gonna stay with OEM lenses then go with Canon since they have a wider selection and auto focus faster then Nikon.

Having said that I just went with an Elan 7 and added a Signa 70-200 f2.8 EX HSM due to the fact i culd not justify the higher cost of the identical Canon.....and am overjoyed with the lens and the camera
I love my Canon (though I'm on the dark side of the DSLR world). My husband sold cameras for 15 years and preferred Canon over all the rest. Nikon was probably his second pick. I'll ask him if he would like to shed some light on the differences for ya!
I have a Canon A2 (same as the EOS5). Although I don't have it, the verticle grip is supposed to be a must-have option. It's a great camera. Just make sure the command dial is ok. They were prone to breaking. I haven't had a problem with mine but I have read a few strings on the subject on the net.
As a matter of fact I just did a search for the repair and someone mentioned they purchased an A2 through Ebay for cheap that had a problem with the command dial and then did the fix themself. See:
Gig'em Aggies! Whoop!

Sorry... off topic.... don't get many changes to do that since I moved to NJ several years ago.

Class 97

Can't really comment on the old Nikon vs Canon debate... never really used Nikon's equipment. All I can say is that I'm happy with Canon.
I would say that your main deciding factor should be lenses. A camera is a camera. They all do the same thing.

Research Nikon and Canon lenses, and ask yourself what type of photography you're going to be doing the most.

You're not just buying a camera. You're buying a camera system.
I believe that you can get quality lenses for any of the top camera systems. One does have to ask themselves what feature are also important on the camera. Lets face it, if a Rebel was built as strong as an EOS1 then a lot of pros wouldn't be spending the extra dough. I bought the A2 a few years ago because the chassis was built better than the Rebels and the Elans, it has DOF preview and a pc socket for external flashes. Options that are not available on a lot of cameras these days. (the 5 fps motor is a nice touch too!)

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