Finish my sentence!

... the Wartburg (German Castle) ... in the best evening light I ever saw ... but I was driving the car on the motorway and could not take the picture :(

The (real) person I'd really like to meet is ... (no celebrities please ;) )
core_17 said:
...I'm alive and healthy, and I have some of the best friends on earth.

A Thanksgiving activity Corry should have her group kids do is... (help me out here, I'm drawing a blank! :p )

Plan and cook a thanksgiving meal. . . or, with digital stills and a video editing program, make a stop-motion thanksgiving animation using construction paper cutouts, kind of a kindergarten meets South Park thing ;p (how old are they?). oh yeah. . .

. . .My outlook for the world on the not-so-near future is. . .
yeah .. all messed up! thank you Znarled ;) .. don'T leave your window open for 6 hours before you decide to post a reply *lol*

uhm or i guess people spend too much time thinking about the answer and the new question... so that is what mixes all up...

Corry I told you this is way toooo complicated for us!!
Drank wine and sang karaoke all night!!!!

If I could go anywhere for vacation I would........
...take three months or so and travel all over Europe, Asia, New Zealand and Australia. :p

People find this thread complicated becaaaauuuseee.....
My favorite soda to drink is...... Irn Bru

my left big toe is smaller than.....

Corry should NOT be nervous about going to Chicago alone because...

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