Fireworks Challenge Photos! And the winner is...


I am now benign!
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Deep in the heart of Texas!
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
The photos are ready to be viewed and voted on!

Click here to view the photos!

Thanks to everyone for contributing and getting involved with our first challenge! We'll be posting a new challenge tomorrow, and our plans are to run a new challenge every other friday (giving you two weeks to go out and shoot photos for each challenge).

A very special thanks also goes out to the site moderators...Mdowdey, manda, and twistmyarm for the extra work they put into this!
Well according to the polls it looks like the winner is photo number 5.
Photo 5 was submitted by Luckydog. He didn't have any fireworks (in the traditional sense) going on so he took a picture of a "Static Electricity Discharge (not a dying star or a spontaneously combusting ping pong ball)" (Luckydog).
The photo was taken with ISO 100 film, with the shutter set to 0.5 secs and the aperture value at F5.6.
Congrats Luckydog. You have the privilege of being the first ever winner of the Photo Forum Photo Challenge and with that comes...ah well nothing really, but feel free to brag all you want.
Nice work Luckydog and good luck to everyone on the next challenge!
G'day Mates (and mate-ettes),

No bragging to be done, but i would like to sa thanks to everyone who voted (not just for mine), everyone who entered and those who ran and created the challenge.....Yes that includes Mr. Twist :)

Without everyones participation the whole thing would not have been the success .

Good luck in the next one
Great Job Lucky!
Very original and well executed....dammit!
I'll take being beaten like a man in that I'll swear, curse, say I wasn't trying and won't speak to you for a month!
Deserved win all the same, cheers mate!
Thanks to all for your comments. Must admit it's my first ever placing in a comp.
I haven't been able to do any water shots yet and i'm quickly running out of time.
I think it's over to the other Aussies in here to keep up the tradition :)

Aussie Aussie Aussie!!! :P

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