

TPF Noob!
Aug 2, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Wondering if I did it right? Would appreciate C&C
4 sec f/10 iso100 for both

$firework 1b.jpg

$fire work 3b.jpg
Needs more watermark IMO.
They're sharp enough. Your settings are just fine. Good job. Now work on the composition. ANYONE with a tripod and some very basic knowledge can take the pictures you just posted. Ask yourself how you can make them more interesting compositionally.

Foreground elements, glass and water are your best friend if you're trying to make an above average fireworks shot.
They're sharp enough. Your settings are just fine. Good job. Now work on the composition. ANYONE with a tripod and some very basic knowledge can take the pictures you just posted. Ask yourself how you can make them more interesting compositionally.

Foreground elements, glass and water are your best friend if you're trying to make an above average fireworks shot.
Thanks. Composition is a tough thing to learn.
I think they look great! I am no pro but I would be happy if I caught these pix!
I think they look great! I am no pro but I would be happy if I caught these pix!
Thanks I am happy with the results. As Jamesbjenkins said pretty much anyone can get these results.
I have yet to try fireworks since I just started taking pix with my new camera recently! It has a fireworks mode tho. Did you use that or did you do this manually? I am about to try 4th of July this year! We have a beach down the block and you can see them from there great!
That sounds like a good place. I used full Manuel mode including focus. I am unsure of how your fireworks mode works and performs but everything is worth a try at least once so give it a go and try differant things to see what you like most. Congratulations on the new camera. I hope you have a lot of fun with it.
I like :thumbup:
I disagree with the idea that anyone could take these shots. I've seen what kind of photos this "anyone" can take and the ones posted here far exceed them. They may not be spectacular photos but they are just as good as the ones I've taken. You can tell a composition is here and these photos aren't just snapshots by the silhouetted horizon at the bottom (level horizon and what--not). Nice job.
I disagree with the idea that anyone could take these shots. I've seen what kind of photos this "anyone" can take and the ones posted here far exceed them. They may not be spectacular photos but they are just as good as the ones I've taken. You can tell a composition is here and these photos aren't just snapshots by the silhouetted horizon at the bottom (level horizon and what--not). Nice job.
Thanks. Out of about 200 shots, these were the only two worth posting so it does take a certain amount of patience to get what you want.
Thanks. Out of about 200 shots, these were the only two worth posting so it does take a certain amount of patience to get what you want.

In my experience, that's pretty standard. I typically deliver somewhere around 20% of my images to the client, and post the best handful to this and one other forum.

Don't feel bad at all that every shot isn't a framer.
Thanks. Out of about 200 shots, these were the only two worth posting so it does take a certain amount of patience to get what you want.

In my experience, that's pretty standard. I typically deliver somewhere around 20% of my images to the client, and post the best handful to this and one other forum.

Don't feel bad at all that every shot isn't a framer.
I honestly have never framed any of my photos and have never sold any so my pictures are for mainly my families and my personal pleasure as I am just a beginner still. I hope to be more than just a beginner one day like you guys.

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