New DSLR user C&C wanted on photos<a href="


TPF Noob!
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
Biloxi MS
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi everyone i am new to having a DSLR and photography in general. I mainly take photographs while on a moving boat and fishing. I am very new to all this and i need pointers. I would like to get photos with deep color and really vivid looking. I do understand the basics of using manual mode with shutter iso and aperature. I am using a Nikon D3100 with a kit 18-55 mm and a 55-200 mm kit lenses. I am willing to spend more money on items i need that could better help my shots but i really want to learn how to use what i have to the optimal settings now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also i have no experience in editing and these are the images straight from my camera and unfortunately they are shot in .jpeg i have since changed my settings to shoot in RAW.





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Post the images here instead of links, pare the list down to 3 or 4 max, and number them. You'll get more and faster responces.
Have you experimented some with the "scene modes"? There isn't one for "fishing the Ocean", but take a few pictures in each "scene" to find out how they are portrayed in the JPEG versions. Some scene modes will produce more vivid colors, but you should try them to see which ones you like for which conditions.

Do you intend to try editing someday?

If so, then you will be able to get the color and contrast that you want. To do that, you will want to shoot in RAW (NEF) which will allow a greater degree of manipulation.
^^^ i updated the photos to show on the first post i do plan on editing just not sure what software would suit me best. I did try some of the scene modes but didn't really find anything that i was looking for. I do believe a set of filters would get me some of the more desired images i am looking for but i have no experience and very little knowledge of them.
^^^ i updated the photos to show on the first post i do plan on editing just not sure what software would suit me best. I did try some of the scene modes but didn't really find anything that i was looking for. I do believe a set of filters would get me some of the more desired images i am looking for but i have no experience and very little knowledge of them.
You could try some filters, but I can't advise on them much other than a circular polarizer. Polarized light is just like a good pair of sunglasses, it is polarized light that gets into your camera. I think that may help with contrast and cutting glare. The circular kind is more expensive, but is the best kind for digital photography.I think any other kind of filter can be added in post in the editing process. If you already have a good computer, that is the operating system that you should consider. PhotoShop is the top of the line, and costs like it. Then there are several mid-range softwares that will do most of what the average hobbyist wants to do, and then there are some free ones as well.

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