First attempts at night photography


TPF Noob!
Jan 12, 2014
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United States
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I took these photos of a couple metal sculptures at a park tonight. I would appreciate any constructive criticism and feed back.

Thanks for your help!

$gear.webpView attachment 64521$no good.webp
Way to blurry for me. Colors are kinda blah…Subject is kinda blah….

Sorry just being honest.
I don't know, I kinda like 2 & 3. They may not be perfect exposures but they have a certain appeal to me. I most likely would have processed them differently myself but that's personal style. I'd work on getting them a bit sharper (in camera) and play with different compositions and processing.

Not a fan of 1 though. There might be an interesting image there but it needs to be reshot to get better focus.

Hope this helps.
Thank you Waegs. this was my first time doing night time and also my first time using the manual focus. I found the manual focus to be difficult as I wear glasses and the images appeared dark, so I just tried to do my best.

I didn't touch the photos in light room. I just converted the raw to jpeg and put them up. I'm trying to get better at properly exposing and getting the right amount of lighting, so I'm putting my stuff up without any editing for feed back.

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