First pic with XS


TPF Noob!
Oct 9, 2008
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Just got my Rebel XS today, its so sick haha. This is a quick pick I took in AV with my 50mm 1.8. I did some light PP in photoshop also. Any C/C? Thanks

Your shot is out of focus. DOF is nice though.

Congrats on the new cam BTW.
Isn't it great? I love mine. Of course get to know your camera and your personal limitations on it (how slow can I hold x-lens and not get motion blur, etc.)

It can be tough getting good cat pics, even with the big ap. They always seem to be making little movements even when they are sitting still. I think you got a touch of this here, otherwise I think the photo is fine- dof great, maybe get the whole cat in and not so centered.
yea it is motion blur due to the low shutter speed. to freeze action try going for at least 1/60th
hmm what lens do you have on it? the kit lens wont do F/1.8..... I dont think it will at least
Thanks for all the great advice and tips everyone!

hmm what lens do you have on it? the kit lens wont do F/1.8..... I dont think it will at least

50 1.8, def worth it for $85
The 50 1.8 is pretty good, next you just need more light.
The 50 1.8 is pretty good, next you just need more light.

yeah it was getting dark when I took this. Just curious would an external flash help a lot in this situation? I didn't want to use the pop-up
I have the Nikon 50mm f/1.8 (so much pricier at $125) sitting in my cart at Adorama, and that purdy depth of field is tempting me to check out. I'm going to be mighty disappointed when the new body gets here on Saturday and I have no lens or CompactFlash card. A little practice with the thing and you'll be right on.
wow you can get a 50mm 1.8 for $85??? wow I need to do some more research!!! 1.8 is pretty good..
wow you can get a 50mm 1.8 for $85??? wow I need to do some more research!!! 1.8 is pretty good..

Yeah, you can get one for that all over the place on the internet. I paid $105 locally from a camera shop. The body seems a little cheepish, but it seems to be one of the best bang for your buck lenses out there. I think the 1.4 gets to be about triple the price.
yeah it was getting dark when I took this. Just curious would an external flash help a lot in this situation?
Definitely. You would bounce the flash off the ceiling or a side wall to help diffuse the light. You rarely fire a flash straight on.
wow you can get a 50mm 1.8 for $85??? wow I need to do some more research!!! 1.8 is pretty good..
Yeah, the EF 50mm f/1.8 II "Nifty Fifty" is one of the first lenses most new Canon owners buy since it's about the best bargain out there.

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