First week on a DSLR


TPF Noob!
Jan 22, 2008
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I thought I would share some of my first pics with my first DSLR (point and shooter before this)

Nikon D50 18-55mmf/3.5-5.6G (kit lens)

I've had the camera bug for a while and a guy at work was upgrading from this very lightly used camera, so I got it for a steal. Now to work on taking better quality photos.

Here are some pics from my first week with the camera.

1. Sunset off the coast. (needs to be rotated slightly)

2. Looking out from a waterfall

3. Orchid

4. What are you looking at?

5. Playing with light.
Those are really good! the color and composition are great. The last one is my favorite..
I really like the repetition in #3, and althought the bokeh isn't of great quality, it still really looks good.

#1 needs to have a reaon to be tilted ... or it needs to be made straight :D. I love the contrast in that one.

I feel that #4 is out of focus and slightly overexposed. Parots are cool, but that's not my favourite shot.

#5 looks almost too good to be true. Did you stage that? Be honest! It looks fantastic. It's got a beauty-in-desolation thing going on that I like.
#5 looks almost too good to be true. Did you stage that? Be honest! It looks fantastic. It's got a beauty-in-desolation thing going on that I like.

It is staged. The picture was taken in my apartment with no backdrop, and an LED flashlight as a light source so the flower was the only thing with light. The flower is from a retention resevoir near my place (in mid January, go figure).

I agree #1 needs to be straightened, thats what I meant by the "needs to be rotated slightly" comment on before the picture. I guess saying that it needs to be straightened would have be a more clear description.

Thanks for the critiques! I appreciate them.
In my opinion, your fifth picture is the best of the bunch!

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