Flash Question


TPF Noob!
Jun 21, 2010
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A friend owns a cat boarding place and asked whether I would possibly consider taking photos of each cat that came in.
The cats are in an area that is a couple metres wide. There is one small window and overhead lights, but usually it is still not very bright, so flash will almost be always needed. Would a nikon SB-400 or SB-600 set up on either the camera or to the side work? The ceiling is pretty high so I don't think bouncing it off the ceiling would work. If I had it on the camera, then the front on flash would look pretty bad?
(I have a Nikon D5000)
A friend owns a cat boarding place and asked whether I would possibly consider taking photos of each cat that came in.
The cats are in an area that is a couple metres wide. There is one small window and overhead lights, but usually it is still not very bright, so flash will almost be always needed. Would a nikon SB-400 or SB-600 set up on either the camera or to the side work? The ceiling is pretty high so I don't think bouncing it off the ceiling would work. If I had it on the camera, then the front on flash would look pretty bad?
(I have a Nikon D5000)

Don't be daft. Unless you're shooting on ceiling over 100' high, you have nothing to worry about.
I think my eyes are sensitive to the flash or something cause every time the flash feature is turned on or whatever; my eyes squint or even shut completely. Anyway to stop my eyes from doing this without just turning off the flash?

sew your eyelids open.

youre supposed to be on the other side of the camera if you are on this forum. trolling?

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