Flash vs. Soft Box


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Apr 11, 2013
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South East
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Never used either in this first year of my DSLR.

Lurking through this forum was pretty useful.

You can scroll through my pics to see my style. Mostly macro - insects and flowers; along with landscapes. Hey look. I used a semi-colon.

SO... having said that I'm trying to narrow down what I actually need to purchase. Don't want to spend hundreds on a learning curve. Rather get the basics down and grow from there. Range is around $200 + or -.

Suggestions please.
Your question is 'Apples vs. Oranges'. A flash is a light source, a soft-box is a light modifier used to soften the harshness of the light and reduce the intensity of the shadows. While you can use a speedlight/flash without a modifier, a modifier without a light source is pointless. A light without a modifier has limited application.
Thanks for the clarification. Much appreciated!
The Fotodiox hot shoe flash mounted 6" x 8" is not enough bigger than the flash head bu itself to be of much, if any, benefit as a light modifier.

Unless you count wasting flash unit power as a benefit.

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