greybeard Been spending a lot of time on here! Joined Dec 30, 2011 Messages 4,866 Reaction score 2,641 Location WV Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Jun 2, 2012 #1 school flowers by GREYBEARD12, on Flickr
Snakeguy101 TPF Noob! Joined Dec 5, 2010 Messages 717 Reaction score 63 Location Gainesville Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Jun 3, 2012 #2 looks a little heavy on the blur tool don't you think?
Joel_W TPF Noob! Joined Dec 9, 2011 Messages 2,211 Reaction score 164 Location Long Island, New York Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Jun 3, 2012 #3 Agreed about the blur tool issue. It's a nice picture of a flower that one would expect to see in a magazine on flowers, rather then in a photography magazine. There really isn't any composition to see, it's just all flower.
Agreed about the blur tool issue. It's a nice picture of a flower that one would expect to see in a magazine on flowers, rather then in a photography magazine. There really isn't any composition to see, it's just all flower.