focus issues: tell me what/how I'm doing


TPF Noob!
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Rochester, IN
Can others edit my Photos
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I am trying to improve focus. Here are a few shots. I know that composition/background may be horrible. Please comment on the focus. No PP was done.



Have you attempted any sharpening with these. These look well enough focused but may need a tad sharpening to taste.

Also some web hosting sites do not do a photos sharpness justice.
The focus in #3 is ok, but it looks like you focused on the ear/shoulder in the others. You missed the eyes.
sometimes seems one eye is in focus and the other not?

vtf: no I haven't done anything with them. Focus is my weekest point especially with kids; so I am working on it. This is my son so easy access:)
They're not really oof, just soft and need a little sharpening in what ever program you use. Just take small increments until you get a more defining edge. They dont look that bad. Keep shooting and posting.:thumbup:
sometimes seems one eye is in focus and the other not?

vtf: no I haven't done anything with them. Focus is my weekest point especially with kids; so I am working on it. This is my son so easy access:)
Try working in the f5.6 or 7.1 range for awhile and work it down as you get use to the dof. At 19mm, f3.5 I cant imagine that the dof is more than a few inches at most. I could be wrong, since still a newb.

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