Foggy day along the Kanc


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
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The Kancamagus Hwy is a windy, twisty road that runs east/west through the NH White Mountains. It was pretty foggy yesterday so views were limited to what was close. Still a beautiful drive!

Untitled by SharonCat..., on Flickr
Considering a crop on the left.
I can't decide whether a crop would help or hinder, I think l would leave it alone, looks nice as is.
Nice shot!

Thanks Kirk.

I can't decide whether a crop would help or hinder, I think l would leave it alone, looks nice as is.

Thanks. I like it as is on my iPad but then cropped it for Instagram on my phone which was better for the smaller screen.
Nice shot. Personally I wouldn't crop.
Considering a crop on the left.
Go ahead and try it.

The scene is pretty good as it is, except for the proportions. If you want to print and frame it, the proportions might be where you start.

I tried to find a crop in that scene, and may have found one, but you first. Besides, I'm on the wrong computer for editing.
I like it in a 16x9 but not sure if I like it better. Maybe not enough of the foggy negative space left after the crop.

I love it the way it is.. love all those pines giving off their shades of green among the white..
I love the grasses coming through the snow, that adds nice texture and visual interest.

I'd look at doing a hair of a crop along the left side just to eliminate the tips of branches from a tree out of frame. Then crop to the right of the larger fir tree that's closer to the foreground to frame or ground the image; as is, it sort of drifts off into beige to the right with nothing much there.

Along the Kanc crop 3.png

I'd think about balance with the tall grasses to the left; your edit cuts enough of those out that it seems to throw off the balance of the image. But I can see more than one potential photo in this scene.

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