Foggy panorama


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Jul 16, 2015
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I love morning fog, but I have trouble capturing and processing it, so as to do it justice. Latest attempt.
foggy panorama.800.jpg

PS- about went nuts trying to find level. The horizon wasn't even, so I just guessed. I could raise up the right side and be happy. Thoughts?
Not an unfamiliar sight here either. Very similar countryside which stretches westwards about a mile from me.

Good stuff.
I would try to use the graduated filter on the fog & lower the exposure a bit. Then, I would use the graduated filter on the lower half & raise the exposure a little. Or, I would bring out the shadows of the hills. The panoramic seems to be too short from top to bottom for me. I like the photo & can see what you were trying to capture.
...After looking at the photo again, I can see the panoramic is not too short. My recommendation to use the graduated filter should help with the light sky. Adjusting the histogram might be an option too.

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