
Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 31, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
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I've been digging through my archives lately and I found this photo I took at our local fair back in 2012 and for some reason, I never deleted it. There must've been a reason why I kept. The orginal edit I did was horrible and never shared it. No idea what I was thinking!

After looking at it, I saw this.


I decided to do a really thick b&w, almost low key. I love the lighting on their faces and the motion in the hands when he's about to through the ball while his friends watches. I don't know, the photo tells a story to me. Even back then, I saw something but I just didn't know how to present it.

I took this with a Nikon D7000 + 35 1.8G DX
I like the heavy shadows too. It almost says " This area is safe as long as you don't leave the light ".
Mono suits the image...

I've been really inspired by a photographer I know who does street photography, his name is Alan Schaller and I absolutely love his work. I'm not a street photographer by any means but the way he captures moments is just amazing. I've learned a lot from his work.

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