
Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 31, 2015
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I know this may not be my best photograph and that's okay. It has meaning to me even though it may look like a random photo, the reason it has meaning is that that day when I was photographing, I was having a very bad day and I kept thinking about the past and present.

i know it's nothing great but wanted to share it.

Nikon Z6II + Z 50mm 1.8 S

mirror to the past by Nicholas Erwin, on Flickr
Nice shot, makes me wonder what the car is - I can see it is old and yet not immaculate from the splitting rubber and pitted chrome (?) - interesting placement of the mirror also half way up the window, picture has a lot of character.
Nice shot, makes me wonder what the car is - I can see it is old and yet not immaculate from the splitting rubber and pitted chrome (?) - interesting placement of the mirror also half way up the window, picture has a lot of character.

Thank you. If I remember right, it was a Nash. Unsure of the particular model though.
Actually not a bad shot. It's thought provoking as if you're looking back on the past, but the mirror blocks some of the view so all we see are blurred shadows in the back. Much like our actual memories of the past. Nice.
Looks to me like the mirror was what was being shot! When's the last time you saw a mirror on a car like that? Bet a lot of you have never seen one like that! I have, one of the privileges' of being old is some of these thing in photo's we can relate to. I remember when I was a kid, a guy across the street brought home an old Willys to fool with. really old and have never seen one again. Every once in a great while I see an old Packard. Reminds me of a guy I worked in the old Boise Cascade plywood mill in Valsetz, Ore. He had a couple of them and claimed they were the best car ever made! Thing's like the old mirror's on those old cars you simply don't see today. My grandfather had a very old Chevy pickup he drove every where. the turn signal was a length of rope that pulled up a long metal strip in front of and top of the driver's door. Same as using hand signals but ya didn't have to roll down the window!

Ya, that old mirror on that old car does bring back some memories!
A Nash?!! cool. And a good photo, I think you're better than you realize.
Many years ago a friend of mine bought a car from about the late '40s. I can't remember what kind it was, but it was so much fun to ride around in. The back seat was about a mile away from the front seat! lol

I used to see a turquoise early '60's Corvette parked at a local mechanic. Seems like they worked on it forever... then I didn't see it anymore so who knows what happened to it. I like the candy apple red...
I remember reading in a Jack O'Conner piece that perfect photo don't do well in story's about hunting. He said a bit out of focus or some other thing wrong helped bring back memory's. Pretty much that way in this photo. Great photo? Who care's it brings back memory's!

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