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Forgotten Posts – long exposure

Hooligan Dan

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Mar 10, 2008
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Bay Area, CA
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Close, but not quite there yet.

I've been staking out this spot for a bit. Waiting for the right tide and sky in the morning hours. I checked the forecast and went out the other morning and headed out. The light was nice, the tide was about midway between high and low and their were clouds moving pretty quickly through the sky. But the clouds were just a little too wispy. I will probably make another attempt. There is a great busted pier just to the left of these posts but it needs to be shot during high tide. Otherwise its mostly on land.

Nikon D800
Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8 at f/6.3
Exp: 5 minutes, 28 seconds
10-stop and 6-stop ND filters stacked

Thanks! I've been shooting a lot of landscapes lately. I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area which is pretty rich with scenic landscapes. Figured I'd sell some for a supplemental income.

Also also been nice working with a subject I haven't really approached before.

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