Frame and signature


TPF Noob!
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
I keep noticing that a lot of people here have some awesome frames and their signature on their pics. I was wondering if it's done autamatically, meaning if you can create some kind of frame/signature proto and then apply it to your pics. If it's possible, can someone please tell me how?
If it was an image on it's own, it could be simply put on top of any image with Photoshop etc. Just copy/past or drag it over. Of course the aspect ratio has to be the same or close...or else it will need to be stretched or altered to fit.
Thanks Mike!
And hum... that must be one stupid question, but how do you create a frame that is an image on its own??
You can create an action in photoshop. So that when you click on a button it will do a number of pre-recorded steps.... exactly like a macro.
Here are the instructions on how to make a frame action.
Just add in more steps just before hitting stop record to insert the text.

Hope that helps.... or search this part of the forum for "frame" and it'll come up with heaps of hints.

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