Free Room Service and Cold AC


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 18, 2013
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Charleston, SC
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Saw this old run down motel while traveling to GA. I did edits in LR4 to highlights, contrast, and shadows to show detail in each room more. Any C&C is appreciated!
$Room Service and Free AC.webp
I think I like this one better with less shadows.
$Room Service and Free AC 2.webp
Thanks pic chick.

No other feedback so as Jay-Z said...on to the next one
You need to get closer. There is way too much pavement and sky in this. It's almost impossible to get a good shot of the entire building when it's long and low like this one. Better to pick some interesting sections and fill the frame with them.
You need to get closer. There is way too much pavement and sky in this. It's almost impossible to get a good shot of the entire building when it's long and low like this one. Better to pick some interesting sections and fill the frame with them.

I tried gett close to a section of rooms but didn't feel too good about it because I couldn't get square to the building. Thanks for the feedback, I will keep it in mind for the future.

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