From our evening walk


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Mar 12, 2024
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Mid Missouri
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Barred Owl


I was unfortunately rushed on the deer pic. People were coming up the trail and she bolted.
I’ve seen a few, but it’s always close to dusk or at night time. I used to be pretty good at calling them in closer at night time. I had one fly right above my head one morning while taking the trash to the curb. That was an eerie feeling because I didn’t hear him until he was past me.
Good spot on that owl!
I’ve seen a few, but it’s always close to dusk or at night time. I used to be pretty good at calling them in closer at night time. I had one fly right above my head one morning while taking the trash to the curb. That was an eerie feeling because I didn’t hear him until he was past me.
I had a similar experience while walking in some woods very early in the morning. I had a white owl come right at me and then pull up and go over without any kind of sound at all. It was like a ghost. I took it as a good omen that day. Very nice images!

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