I would have been fine with it if it was real fur...
I prefer the ones in color.
especially #4, although I think (rug backdrop aside) it might have been better as a tall instead of a horizontal. I just dont think anything past the rug on either side adds much to the shot.
#5 is really nice, and i think it works well as a wide shot.
#*extra is a great head-shot, but...i would have preferred more DOF. im not a terribly big fan of the super shallow DOF portraits. the contrast between her in focus face and her OOF jaw, ears...well, pretty much everything else, throws me off a bit. this is a personal preference of mine for portraits, and all of my portrait work reflects that.
where #* really shines is her expression. she goes from a very bold, powerful expression to a look of almost childlike wonder in the blink of a frame. its amazing, and you captured her perfectly.
I swear she looks 10 years younger in the headshot compared to the other shots.
of the B&W shots i like #1 the best. its got great contrast, and a nice covert portrait pose. adequate DOF on her while still rendering the background OOF.
#2 seems much less contrasty to me. pose is great though, she looks very "in charge".
#3 has some interesting lighting, and combined with the pose and low camera angle, gives her a very empowered look. (a similar look from #2)
overall its a very nice set. you have a wonderful model there. I would consider them all keepers for sure.
you obviously have a good grasp of portrait lighting and posing.