

TPF Noob!
Aug 31, 2011
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Meet Joanna:





* Extra:
I would have been fine with it if it was real fur...

I prefer the ones in color.
especially #4, although I think (rug backdrop aside) it might have been better as a tall instead of a horizontal. I just dont think anything past the rug on either side adds much to the shot.
#5 is really nice, and i think it works well as a wide shot.
#*extra is a great head-shot, but...i would have preferred more DOF. im not a terribly big fan of the super shallow DOF portraits. the contrast between her in focus face and her OOF jaw, ears...well, pretty much everything else, throws me off a bit. this is a personal preference of mine for portraits, and all of my portrait work reflects that.
where #* really shines is her expression. she goes from a very bold, powerful expression to a look of almost childlike wonder in the blink of a frame. its amazing, and you captured her perfectly.
I swear she looks 10 years younger in the headshot compared to the other shots.

of the B&W shots i like #1 the best. its got great contrast, and a nice covert portrait pose. adequate DOF on her while still rendering the background OOF.
#2 seems much less contrasty to me. pose is great though, she looks very "in charge".
#3 has some interesting lighting, and combined with the pose and low camera angle, gives her a very empowered look. (a similar look from #2)

overall its a very nice set. you have a wonderful model there. I would consider them all keepers for sure.
you obviously have a good grasp of portrait lighting and posing.
She's a very fascinating-looking woman. Very exotic appearance to me. I like 2,5, and *Extra the most.Ilove her powerful, dominaying expression and stance in #2, but as Pixmedic mentioned, that low-contrast processing of the image...I really think that low-contrast toning works against the expression, but as Pixmedic mentioned, the pose is simply great.

Thanks for posting these, all the way from Poland! Love seeing European representartion on TPF! Very nice to see these.
Thank you all for that elaborated comments - they're really helpful and I appreciate them!
And I see what you mean with that low-contrast one - I have to think once more about different post processing.
Excellent set, I love every one of them! But that last one is outstanding, I didn't even realize it was the same person at first. You have a really great model there! :)
the last one is really beautiful
#1 and #5 work best for me. Both are quite exotic looking and the models exotic looks adds to the ambience.
Nice depth and composition. Love this all the way.

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