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Sugar snap peas are done, green beans and tomatoes are growing nicely. Was up in the mountains over the weekend but at home we must have had what the old folks call a gully washer. Mowed Friday and today it looks like it wasn't touched. A few black berries are getting close along with the blue berries. Need to weed and pull up dirt on the rows, but way too wet.

Edit to add;

Planted a dogwood tree out front. Wife wanted it in remembrance of our son. She put the orange ribbon on it for leukemia awareness.
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Sugar snap peas are done, green beans and tomatoes are growing nicely. Was up in the mountains over the weekend but at home we must have had what the old folks call a gully washer. Mowed Friday and today it looks like it wasn't touched. A few black berries are getting close along with the blue berries. Need to weed and pull up dirt on the rows, but way too wet.

Edit to add;

Planted a dogwood tree out front. Wife wanted it in remembrance of our son. She put the orange ribbon on it for leukemia awareness.
That's a lovely way to remember your son. ❤️

We've been having similar gully washers here. Really glad we made the change, with a much smaller yard, to an electric mower. Hubby is out cutting about every 2-3 days because of how quickly it gets shaggy.

The ducks like it, though. :lol:
It’s berry picking time! Had my first blackberry and blueberry this afternoon. Mmmmmmm!

10 days away and EVERYTHING is blooming! I won’t plan any trips in May again! I’m so far behind in my garden chores and I missed a few chances to train some of the vibes where I wanted them to flow! A few pics of what’s in bloom:





Major Wheeler



These dwarf snapdragons reseeded practically on top of my Salvia.

Many more are in bud and waiting for another warm day to burst into bloom.

I held off on buying annuals due to my trip so I’m off to the garden center to pick up some hanging baskets and a few more clematis for the new trellises.
I don't know either. My wife bought several and she doesn't know


I'm sure someone on this thread will know and I hope they set us straight.
That’s Fuscia. Shade lover around here. So pretty.
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10 days away and EVERYTHING is blooming! I won’t plan any trips in May again! I’m so far behind in my garden chores and I missed a few chances to train some of the vibes where I wanted them to flow! A few pics of what’s in bloom:

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Major Wheeler

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These dwarf snapdragons reseeded practically on top of my Salvia.
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Many more are in bud and waiting for another warm day to burst into bloom.

I held off on buying annuals due to my trip so I’m off to the garden center to pick up some hanging baskets and a few more clematis for the new trellises.
Wow! Your Major Wheeler honeysuckle looks amazing. I was happy when mine came back this year, but still small so I didn't try to prune it. It's growing a bit and giving me blooms, but nothing like this! How long has yours been in the ground?

I planted 3 clematis plants last year in an area that only gives 3-4 hours of direct sunlight every day - called H.F Young, supposedly a shade-tolerant type. They each died within a month so I gave up. Now I have a little one pushing up valiantly and I've given it liquid fertilizer a couple times. Hasn't died yet. :rolleyes:

All my other new plantings from last year - Russian sage, Magnus purple coneflowers, the rudbeckias- are going strong, at least.
Wow! Your Major Wheeler honeysuckle looks amazing. I was happy when mine came back this year, but still small so I didn't try to prune it. It's growing a bit and giving me blooms, but nothing like this! How long has yours been in the ground?

I planted 3 clematis plants last year in an area that only gives 3-4 hours of direct sunlight every day - called H.F Young, supposedly a shade-tolerant type. They each died within a month so I gave up. Now I have a little one pushing up valiantly and I've given it liquid fertilizer a couple times. Hasn't died yet. :rolleyes:

All my other new plantings from last year - Russian sage, Magnus purple coneflowers, the rudbeckias- are going strong, at least.

The Mjr Wheeler is actually 3 plants. 2 small ones planted in fall of 22 were really just growing so slowly so I got impatient and bought a large one last spring and moved one of the small ones over next to the other and planted the large one a few feet away. They all really took off like crazy this spring.

Clematis are quickly becoming one of my favorite plants. I just planted two more today. I now have 12 😊. I’ve found clematis sometimes die off above ground after transplanting.Then suddenly they come back and really take off. Usually after I’ve planted a replacement! I now have two trellises that ended up with two different clematis entwined on them because I thought that the first two planted in fall had died off/become bunny food so I bought new plants last spring and not they’re both growing. This year I’ve fed them Rose Tone granular feed and they seem to like it. I fed my hydrangeas and peony with that as well.

I am having trouble getting the salvia and phlox that I planted in front of my fence to survive. It’s in direct sun all day and it’s a high traffic area so I’m guessing probably got some salt on the soil over the winter, and everything is sort of sad looking this year.
This year I’ve fed them Rose Tone granular feed and they seem to like it. I fed my hydrangeas and peony with that as well.
That's good info. We use HollyTone on the new ilex bushes we installed along the berm. Most of what we planted last year only came about because we had a bad flooding problem from the house next door and behind us. The berm has been great as a dam, as well as a raised bed.


This is from last year and I was just happy nothing died. It still stays wet back there after a heavy rain so we also had a drainage well installed - crappy expensive project. Flowers are much more fun!

My backyard faces south and it's much easier. The front yard gets limited sun and is more challenging. The prior homeowners only planted hostas and hydrangeas.
On the north side of the house, you should put in some native ferns, Soloman seal, hellebore, lily of the valley. They all do very well on my total shade side. As well as annual impatience's. The hellebore put on a show in late winter/early spring hence the nick name Lenten rose, blooming during Lent.

Nikon D850, AF-D 35-70 @ 70mm, f/11, 1/125, auto iso
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