getting used to my camera and first few nature shots [that are good]


TPF Noob!
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
eatontown, nj
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
note these were all taken with my little point and shoot 7mp camera
[all i can afford right now considering i cant get a real job yet lol]

any comment or criticism appreciated thanks guys :D

#1 close up of a leaf i think it has pretty good detail for a my camera i didnt have these kind of expectations


#2 the sky never ceases to fascinate me


#3 idk


#4 this picture has meaning to me for whatever reason i like it even tho it is out of focus


I'd suggest getting some books on beginner photography (Understanding Exposure, Creative Composition, both of them by Bryan F. Peterson).

I like what you were trying to do with the first and the third, but composition in the first one and underexposure in the third hurt the shots. The second shot is just of a sky, try to make your subjects more interesting than that. Even a sunset picture can't rely on only sky if it's gonna be a good shot. The fourth one is just cropped way too closely and therefore has such poor resolution that it's hard to critique the shot beyond that.

I'm interested to see what you personally think of each of your shots, or even just one of them here, just to see what you see as being good or as being bad. It's important to learn to critique your own work well, it'll help you a lot as your skill-level progresses.

Welcome to the forum.
Agree with Trenton Romulox, except, that I like the interesting texture of the #1. It's kind of relaxing subject...

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