Glare: any suggestions?


TPF Noob!
Sep 26, 2010
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Anyone know how to get rid of the glare in the background in PP? Or maybe when shooting with the background to you think a polarizer filter will work?


Ive tried burning the highlights and a levels adjustment.... i'm just thinking to color it in at a low opacity and flow?
Can you do a level adjustment? Play with the rgb settings and once you are happy with it then hide it, so your other details don't get compromised, and just apply it to the background using a white brush.
Add more diffusion panels, reduce the light output, move the subject farther from the background, change the angle of the light, or use a CPOL. This is a classic case of why it pays to get it right in the camera! ;)
Add more diffusion panels, reduce the light output, move the subject farther from the background, change the angle of the light, or use a CPOL. This is a classic case of why it pays to get it right in the camera! ;)
Most definitely! But with a very active 2 yr old i'm moving my lights CONSTANTLY side to side back and forth so when you say "move the subject farther from the background" I just laugh... lol. Two yr olds are gonna do what they want but I like your ideas of adding more diffusion panels, but the sooc is well evenly exposed. That's probably what the problem is though....
Can you do a level adjustment? Play with the rgb settings and once you are happy with it then hide it, so your other details don't get compromised, and just apply it to the background using a white brush.

I tried that, im going to play with the output sliders and see what I come up with. :)
Use dodge and burn and set the exposure to 10%. For the burn tool, set the range to highlights and the dodge tool set to shadows. use a soft brush and vary the size. Here is a sample.

Shoot with the background at a slight angle to a line drawn from the camera to subject......not perpendicular to it.

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