GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition w/ Extras


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 14, 2013
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Name: Mike Shipman
Location: Deptford/Wilmington, NJ/DE 08096/19805
Contact Info: [email protected] or PM
Item For Sale: GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition w/ Extras
Price: 500.00
Shipping? Yes

Description: My girlfriend bought me this for this past christmas and I havent used it yet. I just havent had the time or need for it and I feel bad just having it sit in my house. Its brand new and has only been turned on once. I much more into photography as opposed to videography so this just doesnt fit my needs. Id prefer a local deal but will ship if need be.

It comes with the micro sd card as well as the adapter card, camera, waterproof case, different rear door additions for sound reduction, all wires, wifi remote, all small clips, suction mount with seperate screw in adjustments. I also have a seperate case that I purchased with the foam cut inserts. Everything is in perfect condition and ready to go.

Thanks for looking.

Negotiable, nothing crazy but I can work a little.

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