Grand Teton National Park


Oh crop!
Jun 18, 2013
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South West Wyoming
Can others edit my Photos
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Love the first photo!

I actually like the 3rd photo over the 4th. The tree adds a little depth to the photo that is quite pleasing.
I am going to agree with propilotBW about the tree adding to #3. In #1 the grass and trees on the far side of the river seem a little to dark or washed out. Maybe there is a way to push the brightness a touch to balance out the image.
Beautiful. I like the tree in #3 as well.
Everyone who likes the tree in 3 has failed to notice the bright yellow piece of heavy equipment parked behind the barn. That is the only thing that makes me hesitate to love that photo.

As for brightening the trees in 1-- the picture is true to the actual light of the sunrise so I'm going to leave it. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Everyone who likes the tree in 3 has failed to notice the bright yellow piece of heavy equipment parked behind the barn. That is the only thing that makes me hesitate to love that photo.

As for brightening the trees in 1-- the picture is true to the actual light of the sunrise so I'm going to leave it. Thanks for the suggestion though.
I still like #3 better than #4, You should try cloning out the yellow. I bet you would and it would look fine.
Other than that I would call these done! And they look great! :)
I like the first 3 and wouldn't change much.


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