Great Therapy


TPF Noob!
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
meh, just a sunset. this place and my camera have helped ease the my case of "seagulls" today ;)


as always, thanks for lookin'
Lovely sunset you've captured! I know exactly what you're saying abou the therapy part, a good sunset and camera in hand always makes the day feel better :)
Glad to see that you found a therapy against the "case of seagulls in the stomach" - and shall be thinking of you today!
deveel, thanks so much. i have to say, composition is something i struggle with and have gotten better with the help here. i did make a small curve adjustment but no crop, right from the view finder.

adnama, and LaFoto this place and the folks here made my sunday.

thanks again.
you can "sure pick" a great place to take a shot!! this is beautiful....would love to sit there and watch a sunset....

btw... still thinking of you and your seagulls...........
R-J, aprilraven and photo gal thank-you very much!

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