Greenwing Teal

Welcome to the forum! You did a great job of catching the duck liftoff. I like almost the vertical leap. The out of focus ducks in the foreground are rather distracting. Perhaps a different crop might help some. To me it also looks like the whites are a little hot... I might have a play with it and see..
I just did this quick, but maybe something like this... of course editing is always one's personal preference...
Are the ducks in the foreground decoys?
I would have cropped it even more. The bird being high in the frame throws off the composition IMHO
I agree that cropping out the ducks in the foreground would definitely improve the image. Nice catch!

I just wanted to give the OP an example. I personally think it is too high in frame, but I wanted to leave the water splatter intact.. as you can probably tell I used content aware fill to get rid of a duck head :)

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