

Been spending a lot of time on here!
May 17, 2011
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I dig it!

What's your reasoning for the crop ratio?

I think this would be nice squared, and you would only lose a little tiny bit off the edges.

I know, I know, I am bothered to much by things that don't look purposeful.
Ummmm....no. Everything is the same color tones and just blends together. Now if you had something that was more simple on the right side and a contrasting color it would work better.

I love how the lines in the rock up top, echo the lines of the stems, and the leaves echo the splotches on the rock, and there is a resting place lacking detail in the lower left. Your eyes are also lead around by the colors.
I like the upper left. The rock formation is interesting. I find the right side to messy. =) This is of course MHO......:sexywink:
Sometimes I think me and Bitter come from different planets - its just a well exposed busy scene for me. Not clear content/subject to really stand out amidst the scene itself. A Habitat shot for a creature certainly if annotated/commented to draw attention to specifics of the habitat - but otherwise it fails to work as a standalone picture for me.
Man, I'm glad over piped up. Usually I agree with Bitter on a lot of stuff, but I don't see ANYTHING of interest or value in this shot at all... so I'm surprised.

Bitter, why do you like it, if I may ask?
Simply because I enjoy looking at it.

I stated the reasons why earlier.
Thanks everyone for your comments. I am glad that this image is at least "well exposed". I do a lot of experimenting with composition and this has been my focus lately.

I'm interested in illustrating the complexity of nature, rather than the anthropocentric values which seek harmony and order. What interests me here is the juxtaposition in the textures and implied forms found in the rock and the peppervine at right. I didn't want either subject to dominate the eye since it's really about the interaction between the two that is important.

In response to the criticism that it is busy, I would like say that I completely agree. It is busy. But I am also trying to kind of challenge that convention in the same way that many abstract expressionists had with painting, and in fact my recent images have been compared to Jackson Pollock.
Jackson Pollock.....huh. Then no C&C needed.....:sexywink:
... and for what it's worth, I don't even much care for Pollock :lol:

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