Had fun, but man do I need to learn this lighting stuff!


TPF Noob!
Jun 13, 2010
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I forced my 2 yr old into playing around in the living room today. We had a good time, but I really need to work on the OCF. :meh: Here's the results. Any advice would be great. I didn't pull out the reflector which was the BIG mistake and I had the flash on the lightstand camera left(ish) pointed straight up at the ceiling basically.

1. Kissy Face

Happy V-day! by jenangeljen, on Flickr

2. Cool

Happy V-day! by jenangeljen, on Flickr

3. Oops

Happy V-day! by jenangeljen, on Flickr

4. Apparently he said there was a dinosaur in the camera.... and it was funny.

Happy V-day! by jenangeljen, on Flickr


Happy Vday! by jenangeljen, on Flickr
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Will do as soon as I can afford it and the bracket. :\ Already about $250 over budget and my hubby's been EXTREMELY patient with me spending all the "extra" tax money on my hobby.
:). I had the same expression as #3

What setting did you use on the camera? What flash power?
Me too, Schwetty, lol. I have no clue what the flash was on. The flash was on like full power, lol. I'm about to upload a few more that came out a little better with the reflector out.
i would play with the lights around a bit..it looks like u have the room light on and that is it. If lets say u bring in few lamps and kill the room light it will create more shadows and depth..
Will do as soon as I can afford it and the bracket. :.......
You don't mention what type of OCF you're using. I assuming a hotshoe mounted type flash. Are you any good at DIY? This should help improve your light quality.

DIY Reflector-Diffuser

You may also be over taxing your single flash with such a dark background. Black absorbs light.
I have my Mommy goggles on, but I'm adding to the original post one I really love. <3 :hug::
it sounds like your problem was, you blasted your son with full power flash LOL
lol yeah. This set up worked better. (last photo) I had flash further back and lower (probably about 4.. 4 1/2 ft) and I had reflector to the kids left right off camera. Flash was also turned down +0.5.
one question, what look are you going for?

LOL NOT this one!

Anywho. I dunno. I was just trying to get a decent shot of my son, which proves to be a challenge in itself, but thought I'd try to play with the new flash while I was at it.

You don't mention what type of OCF you're using.

Yes, it was a hotshoe flash on a stand.

would play with the lights around a bit..it looks like u have the room light on and that is it.

I actually didn't have the interior lgiht on at all. All that's there is the flash (which I did bounce off the ceiling at ridiculous power!) and the light from the window.
can you mount your flash to your camera?
try this out I just learned it and I am so excited!
I wrote this in another thread earlier....

camera settings
1/40 iso 400 f4

flash ttl pointed up to bounce off ceiling.
have your kid just be normal, moving....

flash will freeze his motion and the slow shutter lets light from the room in.
I was so amazed how good the pictures looked!
When I use my studio lights. I start by setting my main/key light to half power and my fill light one stop lower, then I take a test shot, and adjust from there... I'm pretty sure that full bower is too much in most situations... And I don't have a light meter yet to tell me what f stop to use... So trial and error is how I do it.

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