Half black on shutter speed over 500


TPF Noob!
Jan 9, 2010
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Maybe I have never noticed this, as I do not think I have ever gone that high on this camera, Canon 30d. Anything over 400-500 gives me half the picture, and half black, higher the number, more the black. And its a straight edge between the two.
Im assuming your using a flash while taking these pics. When using flash you can't go over the flash sync speed of your camera. Check your manual to determine what that is for yours. If you go over that speed, then a black bar will appear at the bottom of the frame.
Ahh, thats it. Yes I was testing out my new Cactus triggers. Thanks, knew it was something simple.
Im assuming your using a flash while taking these pics. When using flash you can't go over the flash sync speed of your camera. Check your manual to determine what that is for yours. If you go over that speed, then a black bar will appear at the bottom of the frame.
Same here. Exceeding x-sync.

Watch this video......

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