Handle registration plates


TPF Noob!
Jul 29, 2016
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Sweden, Stockholm
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How do you handle registration plates on cars? i find them really ugly most of the time but I don't have time to unscrew them all the time since i often switch location multiple times.

How do you handle the plates? should i cover/remove them in photoshop?

I want to hear all your ideas on how to handle ugly registration plates.
Composite in a fake one.
double posting in different sections ??

If you are asking about your own car it's simple. Add/attach magnets to the back of the plate so they will just stick to the car - like they do at car dealerships for test drives or put in your window (if allowed).

For other people's cars,
I use photoshop and either change them or white them out.
DSC_2808 by Steve Sklar, on Flickr

DSC_2839 by Steve Sklar, on Flickr
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If you need to use a flash then you need to either cover the plate or get off to the side since they are highly reflective.
If no flash I just Photoshop them blank unless they are germane to the shot, something like "39 FORD".

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