Hello friends!!


TPF Noob!
Apr 30, 2018
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hey! I've been taking pictures on and off for a couple of years, but was mostly always too shy to share them with anyone, I've been trying to change that and I thought the first step should be to join an active community, that's how I found this forum.

I'm still pretty much a noob but very willing to improve my skills and learn from others. I currently only have a couple film cameras, so I'm doing analog photos and trying to develop them at home.

Looking forwards to sharing pictures with you friends!
Nice to have you here! The film subforums are quite active.
Welcome to TPF!

I haven't done developing in a long time but there is a film section with many members willing to aid you in your journey.
Hi and welcome to the forum, as has been said there an active Film subforum that you will find helpful.
Welcome to the forum!

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