Hello from Asheville NC


TPF Noob!
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
Asheville, NC
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I have been into photography for sometime and finally broke down and bought a DSLR (d3100). I got into photography when I lived in Italy (2008-09) and have loved it since. I am quite new to "nice" cameras and need some help from time to time. Right now I am wondering if it is good idea to get lens filters for the stock lens, or use photoshop instead (i'd rather not). Any input will help for my newbie self. :)
Welcome aboard!

As far as lens filters are concerned I always have a UV filter on... basically because I learned it from my old man when I was carrying his equipment as a kid. I buy into the idea that it offers a degree of protection for the lens. There are people who don't like the idea for a number of reasons, but personally for me I never have a "naked" lens in the field. Too much dirt in the world. :D

The only filter I use on a regular basis besides the protective UV filter is a circular polarizer, which despite the price is a worthwhile investment for you. It won't replace photoshop, but if you're shooting outside in the daytime it'll make a WORLD of difference. The internet what it is now keep an eye on craigslist - you can grab a quality filter for peanuts.

I suggest you go out one day with the mindset of ONLY shooting in manual mode. Oh yeah - head over to the M! Watch that meter and of course you can preview as you shoot. I think you'll be surprised how much you learn in a single outing when you stay on manual.

Welcome to the site.
Welcome to TPF! :) For some reason we had duplicate threads here, so I've merged everything to make sense. We'd love to see some of your shots from Italy - check out our Gallery section to help you decide where to post. How are you liking Asheville?
Hello and welcome to the forum!

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