Hello from south Louisiana!


TPF Noob!
Nov 20, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
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I'm Beth and I stumbled across this little part of the internet by doing a Google search.

I've had a fascination with photography for years, but decided to take the plunge and buy a Canon on a whim. Because of work schedule, teenage kids, etc, that camera mostly sat in the camera bag for the first year. I did take it out and admire it from time to time though!

Once life slowed a little, I took my little toy out of the bag and seriously tried to use it. I learned very quickly that I didn't know what the hell I was doing and had no idea how to properly care for my baby. Honestly, I didn't even know how to change the lens. And, no, I didn't read the instructions. A camera is a camera is a camera... or so I thought.

Now, 2 years later, my job (law enforcement) and my teenage kids still take up a large part of my time, however, I know more today than I did yesterday. I do not do this professionally. I'm more of a hobbyist, but I can definitely take a decent picture. For the most part, I am still learning. I don't think I'll ever know it all!

Although I love taking photos of wildlife, I also shoot people, ie formal outside sessions, events, etc. Additionally, I do this for free for low income families. Once upon a time, I had very small children and couldn't afford to hire a photographer. Today, I'll take photos for people that I KNOW are struggling financially, and give them photos they can't otherwise afford to hire someone to do for them. (Shhh... don't tell anyone... I'm a marshmallow despite my profession. :) )
Where in south LA?

Welcome aboard Beth!
Welcome to the site.

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