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Hello from Southern California!


TPF Noob!
Feb 4, 2014
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United States
Can others edit my Photos
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Hello everyone! I'm HardcoreMango, or Jason. I live in Southern California, and I've always been interested in photography but never had the financial means to support it, but now I can.

I'm currently looking at getting a DSLR that I'll be using for everything from automotive racing, to nature and everyday photos.

I have a budget of $450 but willing to bump to $500 if it's something that's really worth the extra money. I've been looking at getting a refurb'd D5100 with the kit VR lens from B&H. Is this a good camera to start with, or should I be looking into something else?
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Welcome aboard Jason!
Welcome aboard Jason.

A refurb'd 5100 sounds like a great first DSLR to me.
Welcome to the site.

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