Hello from Texas!


TPF Noob!
Dec 20, 2015
Reaction score
Trinity, TX
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

I'm new here, and thought I'd stop in and introduce myself. My entire life I've loved the art of photography. Being able to capture moments in a single frame just amazed me. I've always had a point and shoot camera, nothing special. Still followed my heart to chase pictures I thought would amaze others as it had once amazed me. As a gift earlier last year, my husband gifted me with a Nikon3000. It was used, and had seen better days. However, it has opened my heart to a whole new world. I am currently using a single lens to capture all of my moments, as my wide angle lens broke and I have yet been able to replace it. Hopefully within the next few months I can expand away from my 55-200 and get some larger, wider angle lens. I still am amazed at what this camera can do!

I enjoy capturing moments that most people do not see. Like the wind in the leaves, the grass reaching for the skies. I also enjoy taking pictures of things I find around my property. We run a small ranch in East Texas. Occasionally I will post pictures of the animals, but, I'll try to leave this forum to just pictures of the world around us.

Glad to be here,


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