Hello from Upstate NY


TPF Noob!
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I just recieved a camera nearly a year ago, a Canon Rebel T2i. It is my baby and i love it so much, but I want to further myself and become more professional than amateur. Most of my pictures are decent in my eyes and I love taking pictures of nature and things as people make me nervous because you need so many permissions to use their face on your website etc.... anyways I am still new, yet slightly an old hand at picture taking. I've taken tens of thousands of pictures I guarentee it lol, but not half of them as good as they can be I'm sure of it. So I came here and hope to make new friends and learn new things about my camera :).

(also let me know if my signature is ok... I cannot find rules or anything for the life of me about pictures in signatures and i know some forums and others are different about it)
Welcome to the site.
Thank you. I am enjoying it so far I love looking at other peoples pictures and there are so many beautiful ones on this site!!

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