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TPF Noob!
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Kansas City
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Found this forum thanks to God's Own Google. I'm sort of dipping my toe into photography, or at least being competent at what I shoot.

Actually, I had a specific question, and don't know which section it would go best in. I'll go ahead and mention it in case anyone can answer it already...

I recently came across an ad in some magazine (GQ, Details or some such) and it was advertising a near-SLR camera for $500. The selling points being it was a) way cheaper, b)assuming great quality and c)easier to handle/more portable. They used testimonials from someone who used the camera to shoot on top of a taxi for the opening credits to SNL, as well as someone who used it to shoot a time-lapse of the city in the show Detroit 187. Anyone know the camera I'm talking about, and as importantly... whether it's any good? I'm planning a trip to Madrid tentatively and would like to bring something more than just an ole point-and-click.

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