Hello =)


TPF Noob!
Feb 1, 2012
Reaction score
Hello Everyone. Im new to this forum so just thought i would drop in and let everyone know im around.

I am by no means a professional photographer.
I own a Canon SX20IS. I have a starter lighting kit (which im still trying to figure out)
My family are my main models. Plus my four legged kids.
I got my first camera in 2004. I loved it. My sister broke it. ]
My second camera (the one i currently own) was given to me by my brother.
And now i am currently ready to start shopping around for a better camera.
I have done photoshoots for family. Found out it is very hard to please them.
:meh:But i have remained strong and really would like to better my skills.
Im not stopping because a few people dont like my work.
Well thats all for now. So look forward to learning and sharing some work with yall.
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I started reading your post...but the centre justification turned me off.
I wrote everything in left align dont know why it centered everything i tried to edit it but it wouldnt let me either that or im just not seeing the button to fix it
:scratch:sorry about that...:blushing:

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