Help me edit! Or C&C edit :)


TPF Noob!
Oct 21, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So I was out at a gorgeous location today, doing some test shots for a wedding I am shooting for a friend this weekend. I completely forgot to bring my gray/white cards with me so the exposure and white balance were not set "properly". I purchased a rotating flash bracket for my camera and I decided today to really put it to the test by shooting somewhat into the sun, while using the flash as fill. Without further ado, I present to you the original, and my edit. I feel like the WB is still not great...but I don't want it so cool that it looks...cold. I wanted to use Flickr so you could get the best possible quality, but they're down for maintenance :(

Super low quality.. but a quick stab.

Here's my crack at it:

I took a shot at it. I touched up a couple of skin areas, a pore or two, and subtly tweaked the greens a bit, added a 1/10 stop vignette to the left and right sides, desaturated the yellows a bit, all in Lightroom, from the .CR2. No sharpening added, file size limited to 1.8 MB.


I left her cheeks a little bit ruddy, just so it looks "summery". This image looks better seen large than it does small.
Oh yeah, let me add what I did too.

Increased recovery, and decreased exposure first (raw file was over exposed.), then added some temperature with white balance. After that I did some small spot removals like Derrel did with the scar on her forehead. (Also the flash removed from the eyes, as well as a small reflection that looked red.)

After that, I did a slight sharpening. (all in Camera-RAW.)

Then, I saved and moved it over to LR. (I like the teeth whitening better in LR.)
Whitened the teeth just a tad, then added a slight vignette.

I also made the file smaller like Derrel.
So I was out at a gorgeous location today, doing some test shots for a wedding I am shooting for a friend this weekend. I completely forgot to bring my gray/white cards with me so the exposure and white balance were not set "properly". I purchased a rotating flash bracket for my camera and I decided today to really put it to the test by shooting somewhat into the sun, while using the flash as fill. Without further ado, I present to you the original, and my edit. I feel like the WB is still not great...but I don't want it so cool that it looks...cold. I wanted to use Flickr so you could get the best possible quality, but they're down for maintenance :(

The flash bracket helps a bunch. It would be great if you could get the flash even farther from the lens, but that's a tall order.

You shifted the white balance too yellow in your edit and blew out highlights that are well exposed in the raw file. A simple burn of the background really helps this young lady stand out.


Hope you don't mind I decided to take my meat cleaver and butcher it, erm, I mean edit it myself. :blushing:

Quick and dirty ACR edit with the original JPEG. Adjusted white balance, both temp and tint (slightly warmer with a little magenta). Brought up exposure and fill light, as well as blacks just a hair. Then added some contrast and a hint of clarity.

PS edit with added light and film effects (this is my taste for heavy editing, your mileage may vary).

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