Help me spend some money!!!!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 18, 2013
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Springfield Va.
Can others edit my Photos
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My Nikon D7100 took a tumble a few weeks ago and I've decided to move up to full frame. I take a lot of pictures of everything, but my mains are usually landscape and buildings, living around the DC area. Also now starting to get into some meetups with models in studio (small studio).

My camera of choice is the D750, and picked up the Tamron 24-70 Di VC USD both yesterday.

I was thinking my next choice would be the Tamron 15-30 Di VC USD and then a 70-200 (probably Sigma).

Any thing else you can think of that I might need. After last nights purchase I still have about 2K to spend. I'll have close to another 2K once I sell all of my DX lenses (see my signature for those lenses).
I'm still a bit leery of Sigma-on-Nikon and the color rendering Sigma has been famous for...warmish. Here's a good example of a lens that renders "warmish" images, the Samyang 24mm tilt-shift. Look at the samples, compoared against the Nikkor T-S lens of the same focal length. Tilt shift world cup: Korea vs. Japan: Rokinon/Samyang 24/3.5 T-S vs Nikon PCE 24/3.5

As Thom Hogan mentions, Sigma's color rendering is NOT something that you can just white balance away. Color rendering is something much deeper than just a white balance setting. Nikkor lenses tend to be cool to neutral, as do Tokina lenses. Sigmas that I have owned (18-125mm, 100-300 f/4 EX HSM, 180 EX APO HSM Macro) have all been "warmish", as in more yellow than I like. This is an issue with both in-camera JPEG images, but also with NEFs.

I think going all-Tamron Di (digitially integrated) VC would be a great way to go, with all three lenses being of the same vintage/era and color rendering family; you would have the Tamron Holy Trinity of lenses, so your assignments would all have a unified color rendering.
Spend the money on studio lights or a travel trip.
Spend the money on studio lights or a travel trip.

I think from the signature the kit is already bought, the post is a few months old, however a trip is always good ;)

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