
TPF Noob!
Jul 12, 2012
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Hello I'm Braeden im new here and I was going to buy the Nikon D5100 is that a good camera. I got a GE X500 now and its okay but I want to take my picutes to the next level. Can I get like off brand lens and cheap one to put on there or what kind can I get?
If you wish to stay with Nikon, we need to wait for a Nikonian to answer you. For Canon cameras my opinion would be (if you wish to step up to the photo-enthusiast level) a 5DMII or on a low budget, a 60D. If you definitely want Nikon then I'll just shut up. :P
Nikon shooter here. You can put sigma, tamron and other 3rd party lenses on. But think this. Why Would you put cheap lenses on a camera to get "next level pictures"

Remember you pay for what you get and photography isn't a cheap hobby. Another thing to keep in mind is just because you have the equipment doesn't mean your pictures will show it. Knowledge is power.
What camera and lenses are good for you always depend upon what you want to do.

For example, when I chose the D5100 as my next camera, I was looking for a camera that would be much faster, and work better in low light, than my old Canon Powershot G11. Thats why I choose one of the best low light cameras on the market. And got a prime lens as my main lens, which gives me massively more light and also quite good picture quality. I also wanted to have a swirvel monitor, like my on my G11, and the D5100 had just this.
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If you are going to buy the D5100 then you may as well go for it and get the D7000. It offers so much more and allows you to grow into it instead of outgrowing it. All my lenses (3) are Sigma and I cant complain about the quality of my pics.
Nothing wrong with an off brand lens. I shoot Canon, but I've heard a certain Sigma out performs a certain L series.
When it comes to 3rd party lenses they have to be considered on an model by model basis.

In fact the same is true for camera maker lenses. For instance Nikon makes the $170 - Nikon 70-300mm f/4-5.6G AF Nikkor SLR Camera Lens but it won't auto focus on a D5100 because the lens does not have a focus motor in it. Also the lens has low quality optics, and no VR, both that have more to do with it's price than the lack of an inexpensive auto focus motor.

Nikon also makes the $590 - Nikon 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED IF AF-S VR Nikkor Zoom Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras that is one of Nikon's best lens values, because it has way better optics, VR, and build quality.

Which brings up something you may not be aware of.

The Nikon D5100 is part of Nikon's lower tier of compact entry-level DSLR cameras. To make cameras in that tier compact Nikon does not include an auto focus motor/auto focus screw drive mechanism. Consequently you would mostly be interested in buying lenses that have an auto focus motor in them. AF-S lenses from Nikon, HSM lenses from Sigma, etc.

The Nikon D7000 you were referred to is in the Nikon's upper tier of entry-level DSLR cameras, and does have an auto focus motor/auto focus screw drive mechanism. so the D7000 can auto focus older AF Nikon lenses and 3rd party Nikon mount lenses that have a slot for the auto focus screw-drive mechanism.
Thank you for the info my next question is will all lenses work on the Nikon D5100? Like i said im new and i just turned 18 i just didn't know what lenses i can put on it. I would like to start out with a cheap lenses. It comes with a basic one but i want another one with a longer zoom any help? And also will my new camera Nikon D5100 have a auto zoom or will I have to do it my self. Like I said im sorry im just new to this.

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