Heritage tree


TPF Noob!
Nov 7, 2008
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Destine for heaven
Can others edit my Photos
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The morning lights casting shadows against the colossal roots (some of which are almost 1.2m ht) of this Kapok tree produced some interesting shades. I handheld a fern in front and captured with self timer.

The snag with this composition is that it didn’t give a right perspective of scale of these majestic roots. However, I felt the resulting picture was pleasantly striking.

It is designated Heritage, planted in 1933, which is very much my senior !

What a great subject. Did you take a shot without the fern? I think the roots would make a good picture.

This one looks a little blurry around the edges. I also don't like how the fern is on the bottom edge of the frame; much better if the fern was nestled between the roots and rose up from the shadows.
Thanks guys and very much appreciate the comments.

Yes, I do have a shot just the roots but seems its too plain and boring. There's the reason I "added" on the fern. Maybe it gives some kind of minor 3-D effect, and seeking a little attention with the delicate sunlight.
I like the texture of this image, also the colour of the fern, nice shot.
I looked through your gallery slideshow and I have to say the picture of the birds and the windows is fantastic.

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