Hero The Hawk

Scott Whaley

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Aug 4, 2018
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I finished work a little early this afternoon and decided to go out in the back yard to photograph some birds. I got my tripod and camera all set up and began waiting for some birds to drop by our Crape Myrtle tree. I must have waited for what seemed like hours, but it was really just a few minutes. All of the bird feeders were full of fresh bird seed. Why were there not any of the usual birds? I turned my head and saw This fellow sitting in a wild cherry tree at the fence line of our yard. I quickly positioned my camera so I could get a shot of him. He was in a very dark shaded area with a little light gleaming through the leaves. It was difficult to get the right ISO. I was able to snap a few shots before he realized I was photographing him. Here is Hero the Hawk.

Hero The Hawk.jpg
I know. That was the best I could get. There are 2 hawks in our neighborhood and this is the 1st time I have ever had my camera out when they were here. Hopefully, I can get better shots in the future.
I know. That was the best I could get. There are 2 hawks in our neighborhood and this is the 1st time I have ever had my camera out when they were here. Hopefully, I can get better shots in the future.
Know how you feel, my first hawk shots weren't the best either but they were special to me and I think we all post our first shots of something special, regardless of quality. Better luck next time. You should get another opportunity soon. ;)
Nice shot. I like that it shows him immersed in his environment.

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