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Hey lovely people!, typing from Dallas, Tx


TPF Noob!
Aug 30, 2017
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Dallas, Tx
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hello everyone! My name is Bri and I have been taking pictures with my digital camera for about two months now, and I am loving every bit of it, I have been researching as much as possible in trying to learn about the freelance business and thought, what better way to learn than from people who are actually doing the same thing!! So I found this forum and let me just say, I have learned a lot already just in one day!

Im trying to start my own small business of photography so I have hundreds of questions to ask. If I get annoying just tell me and I will leave you alone(lol). Thank you guys for having me and for creating something so awesome! Have a great day! (try to stay happy!)
Welcome to the forum.

Just remember that if you like taking photos for fun and turn it into a business, it isn't a hobby anymore. Enjoy TPF
Welcome to the forum.

Lots of people with long careers on here. And newly inspired as well.
If I get annoying just tell me and I will leave you alone(lol).
Hello and welcome!

It's not the asking of questions that becomes annoying, but rather the ignoring of our answers that becomes annoying.

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