Hiking this Morning C&C


TPF Noob!
Sep 3, 2009
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walnut creek
Can others edit my Photos
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(this picture looks better bigger^^ http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2603/3891412910_41ef8e56e0_b.jpg)

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I think you have a pretty good sense of composition. I don't see an overly large amount of noise in the sky,except on the third photo, but then again I didn't go to your Flickr pages and look at these large or anything.

But again, I think you've done some pretty good compositions. Shots 1,2,and 3 are all well-executed compositionally, with really graphic shapes on 1 and 3,and a very nice, classically simple composition in your second shot. I'm not a big fan of this type of extreme contrast, but some people do like it; it takes away some of the visual information,by sublimating it and forcing it into the shadows, which forces the viewer to look more at the graphical elements of the photos. In your second shot, you've achieved a nice simple,graphic composition. I think you also did well in the first photo as well, with the road and the telephone lines being obvious,strong line; what I think works well in the first photo is the way the bank on the left and the road on the left work to balance the downhill slope of the landscape on the right hand side of the frame. Overall, I think your shots have a nice style.
I like the composition as well as the conversion you used for black and white. There is some weird noise or clipping going on in the sky however.

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