Homework Assignment C+C please!


TPF Noob!
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

Im looking for some comments on my latest homework assignment.

The task was to submit a single image based on a single word from a list. I chose the word 'Love'.

Here is my image

Looking for any comments and welcome any criticisms.
Deadline for this homework is Wednesday, so any help before then would be great but still welcome comments after wednesday!

C&C per req: Technically, I think the image could stand to be a little darker; the blacks are light enough to have almost a blue hue to them. I also think perhaps a touch more DoF so that the palm isn't quite as soft might not have hurt, but that's debatable. Artistically, I'm not really sure that I get "love" from this. It would be a nice image for a jewellery advertisement, but I think for love in the context [I believe you to be] thinking of it, we'd need to see the other person.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

I tried my hand at editing it... I'm a newbie so its probably not the best..


I used lightroom 3
Warmed it up +6
blacks +45
clarity 100%

I think I put too much black in the ring now that I look at it more...
Your homework was great so as your image. But is that already your homework? I mean, you can put an explanation also why you choose "Love" as your homework and why this image represents your homework? Good luck!
I like the effect you have going. Perhaps a bit darker and a tad more contrast. I also think the subject matter is off a little to convey love. To me, it looks kinda like a woman giving a ring back, sorta the opposite of love to me. Maybe make the ring really pop, and use tow hands, a man and a womans, clasping or cradling the ring? Or maybe just the hands in a compassionate pose with no ring? Anyway, that's just me throwing out my random thoughts. Take them for what they're worth, which is often little more than $0.01.
The background and the ring blends togethter. The should be a seperation!
Its too monotone, and over exposed. Try adding some contrast.
I tried my hand at editing it... I'm a newbie so its probably not the best..


I used lightroom 3
Warmed it up +6
blacks +45
clarity 100%

I think I put too much black in the ring now that I look at it more...

I like this one much better.

Im looking for some comments on my latest homework assignment.

The task was to submit a single image based on a single word from a list. I chose the word 'Love'.

Here is my image

Looking for any comments and welcome any criticisms.
Deadline for this homework is Wednesday, so any help before then would be great but still welcome comments after wednesday!

My first thought was 'marriage' not love - so I give C- for that aspect.

As to the image, the hand is not well separated from the background and looks like the photo was made with the camera set to monotone, and not done as a conversion from the color image. Again C-. Try for something that looks more like:


Im looking for some comments on my latest homework assignment.

The task was to submit a single image based on a single word from a list. I chose the word 'Love'.

Here is my image

Looking for any comments and welcome any criticisms.
Deadline for this homework is Wednesday, so any help before then would be great but still welcome comments after wednesday!

My first thought was 'marriage' not love - so I give C- for that aspect.

As to the image, the hand is not well separated from the background and looks like the photo was made with the camera set to monotone, and not done as a conversion from the color image. Again C-. Try for something that looks more like:


The last picture makes the hand look like rubber... Not so sure it works for me.
What do you expect? The edit was done with an itty, bitty, 8-bit, overexposed, online JPEG.

The point was to show proper separation of the hand from the background, not the texture of the hand that was lost because the lighting of the original sucked. ;)

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