Hungary Birds


TPF Noob!
Jun 23, 2011
Reaction score
United States
DSC_0004(resized).jpg DSC_0005(resized).jpg DSC_0011resized.jpg DSC_0048resized.jpg Call me simple, I put up a bird feeder to practice some photography. But, today even more exciting is I just got my new camera in, Nikon D7200 it's quite an upgrade from my old Sony Alpha A380. Don't get me wrong for my level of experience "which is to say nearly none" the Sony is still more camera than I know how to use.

All the same I took out the new camera got a few pictures today and wanted to share some of my new found joy with my new toy.
Congrats on the new camera. I want one of those. I shoot with the D3300. Nice pics. What lens did you use?
Hungarian birds look a lot like American birds! :)

Nice shots. Enjoy The Addiction.
Hungry...Hungary is a country. The D7200 should serve your needs for some time to come if you are jumping up from an A380.
Hungry...Hungary is a country. The D7200 should serve your needs for some time to come if you are jumping up from an A380.
You are correct, not really sure what I was thinking. Sorry about my error, thanks for pointing it out. The obvious always seems to escape me.

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