I am a grown man/woman but i still can't...


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Oct 16, 2012
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State something that you are ashamed to admit not knowing. It should be something that every functional adult knows.

My example: I still don't understand insurance. Deductibles, HSA, FSA etc... All I do know is that I get the impression I am getting screwed.
My example: I still don't understand insurance. Deductibles, HSA, FSA etc... All I do know is that I get the impression I am getting screwed.

Then you do understand it.

I'm still thinking of mine...
I can't do simple plumbing without flooding the house.
Not sure if this counts...

I don't know how to weld. Most people I know do know how to weld, and they make me feel stupid for not knowing how to do it, lol. I mean, I know how it works and everything, but it's all theory to me - I've never done it.
I can't enjoy alcohol. Not technically something everybody should know how to do, but I've felt pretty awkward a number of times when I've been the only adult not drinking. Not matter what I do, I just can't stomach the stuff.
I can't drink with out smoking but I can Smoke with out drinking.
I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that I STILL don't know very much about computers. I've used them at home and at work for years, but frankly I really don't know much, particularly the interwebs and social media, and things like smart phones, tablets, and all likathatthere.

I can manipulate most of the Microsoft Office suite, or at least get by with it. I have learned four different CAD softwares, and a little bit of my photo editing software, but I still feel like someone on the outside looking in and wishing I was part of the cool but geeky computer group.

(edit) Oh, but I can do plumbing and welding while drunk.
I'm a grown man and I can't stop being totally frickin awesome all the time.

It's rough guys. Really.
I can't whistle.
Aw, man,....it won't be long before we're all crying on each other's shoulders.
I'm a grown man and I can't stop being totally frickin awesome all the time.

It's rough guys. Really.

Do you actually have a soul patch? Bc if so, your argument is invalid.

I can't lick my elbow...:greenpbl:
I can't whistle.

Plus one. Though I have always been grateful that I can play a multitude of instruments. I have always figured that was the trade off.

I was a drum major in High School, play drums/percussion, sax, keys, BASS is my first love, have played guitar for 20+ years, hang drum, trumpet, harmonica, hell I have been told I can even sing... if there was a million in cash in front of me, you think I can whistle? Hell no, wtf?
I'm trying really hard to think of something I can't do and coming up with scratch. Sure, there are a lot of things I can't do well. Opening things is one. I can't open store packaging. I hate it. I seriously have a "packaging deficiency" as my then 13 year old daughter said. But something I can't do, no there's nothing I can think of that I can't do.

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